Instructional Lab Staff

Ioannis Tsimperidis
Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)
Ioannis Tsimperidis received his Bachelor from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of A.U.Th in 1997, his Master and Doctorate from the corresponding Department of D.U.TH. in 2002 and in 2017, respectively. Until September 2004 he was working as an executive in industry. From September 2006 until September 2021 he was a permanent Secondary Education teacher. From October 2021, he is Laboratory Teaching Staff of Computer Science Department of I.H.U. He has taught computer science, electrical engineering, electronics, and mathematics courses in various educational structures. His research interests are keystroke dynamics, user classification, machine learning, and data mining.

Vassilis Tsoukalas
Mr. Tsoukalas received his bachelor degree from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2000 with the title of "Computer Engineer" and received his Master's Degree from the Open University of Cyprus in 2016. He has worked as a Java Analyst / Programmer (SE and EE), in Database Systems (Oracle / MySQL). He has been a system administrator / IT staff member at Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology since 2002.

Michael Manios
Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)