Teaching Hours
Course Type |
Semester 1 |
101ΓΥΥΚ |
English Technical Terminology
3.0 |
2 |
Υ |
102ΓΥΥΚ |
Discrete Mathematics
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
103ΕΥΥΚ |
Introduction to Programming with C, C++
6.0 |
5 |
Υ |
104ΕΥΥΚ |
Learning Theories and Blended Learning
5.0 |
4 |
Υ |
105ΓΥΥΚ |
Mathematics I
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
106ΕΥΥΚ |
Digital Design
7.0 |
4 |
Υ |
Semester 2 |
201ΕΥΥΚ |
Algorithms and Data Structures
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
202EYYK |
Introduction to Java
6.0 |
3 |
Υ |
203ΕΥΥΚ |
Introduction to Databases
6.0 |
5 |
Υ |
204ΓΥΥΚ |
Educational Psychology
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
205ΓΥΥΚ |
Mathematics II
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
206ΕΥΥΚ |
Computer Organization
7.0 |
4 |
Υ |
Semester 3 |
301ΕΥΥΚ |
Object-oriented Programming
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
302ΕΥΥΚ |
Scientific Computation
4.0 |
3 |
Υ |
303ΕΥΥΚ |
Applied Mathematics
4.0 |
3 |
Υ |
304EYYK |
Operating Systems
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
305ΓΥΥΚ |
Education Research Methodology
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
306EYYK |
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
307ΕΥΥΚ |
Advanced Digital Design Applications
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
Semester 4 |
401ΓΥΥΚ |
Analog Electronics
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
402ΕΥΥΚ |
User Interface Programming
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
403ΕΥΥΚ |
Advanced Programming Topics
6.0 |
4 |
Υ |
404ΓΥΥΚ |
Statistics and Probabilities
3.0 |
2 |
Υ |
405ΕΥΥΚ |
Artificial Intelligence
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
406ΕΥΥΚ |
ICT in Education
5.0 |
4 |
Υ |
Semester 5 |
501ΕΥΥΚ |
Pattern Recognition
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
502ΕΥΥΚ |
Computer Networks
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
503ΕΥΥΚ |
Introduction to Computational Intelligence
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
504ΕYΥK |
Didactics and Applications in Informatics
5.0 |
4 |
Υ |
506ΕΥΥΚ |
Software Engineering I
5.0 |
3 |
Υ |
507ΕΥΥΚ |
Signals and Systems
5.0 |
4 |
Υ |
Semester 6 |
601ΕΔΥΕ |
Optimization Algorithms
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
602ΕΔΕΕ |
Bioinformatic Algorithms
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
603ΕΔΕΕ |
Computer Architecture
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
605ΕΔΕΕ |
Educational Innovation and Application Development
5.0 |
4 |
Ε |
606ΕΔΥΕ |
Embedded Systems
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
607ΕΔΥΕ |
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
609ΕΔΥΕ |
Internet Protocols and Architectures
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
611ΕΔΥΕ |
Software Engineering II
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
612ΕΔΥΕ |
Digital Image Processing
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
613ΕΔΕΕ |
Digital Signal Processing
5.0 |
4 |
Ε |
614ΕΔΕΕ |
Neural Networks
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
615ΕΔΥΕ |
Introduction To Robotics
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
616ΕΔΕΕ |
Cloud And Grid Computing Architecture
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
Semester 7 |
701ΕΔΕΕ |
Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
702ΕΔΥΕ |
Information Security and Privacy
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
703ΕΔΥΕ |
Autonomous Mobile Robots and Applications
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
704ΕΔΕΕ |
Special Topics on Databases
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
705ΕΔΥΕ |
Introduction to Computer Vision
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
707ΕΔΥΕ |
Parallel and Distributed Computation
5.0 |
4 |
ΥΕ |
708ΕΔΕΕ |
World Wide Web Programming
5.0 |
4 |
Ε |
715ΕΔΥΚ |
10.0 |
Υ |
716ΕΔΥΕ |
Computer Graphics
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
717ΕΔΕΕ |
Distributed Systems And Big Data
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
Semester 8 |
801ΕΔΥE |
Advanced Mobile Application Development
5.0 |
4 |
ΥΕ |
802ΕΔΥΕ |
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
803ΕΔΕΕ |
Logic and Logical Programming
5.0 |
4 |
Ε |
804ΕΔΕΕ |
10.0 |
Ε |
805ΕΔΥΚ |
Internship and Acquisition of Teaching Competence
5.0 |
Υ |
807ΕΔΥΕ |
VLSI Systems
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
808ΕΔΥΕ |
Design of Educational Digital Content
5.0 |
4 |
ΥΕ |
809ΕΔΥΕ |
Design Standards
5.0 |
3 |
ΥΕ |
810ΕΔΕΕ |
Technologies of the Internet of Things
5.0 |
3 |
Ε |
811ΕΔΥΕ |
High Performance Computing
5.0 |
4 |
ΥΕ |